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Skincare Tips For All College Girls

Michael Todd Beauty Skincare Tips For All College Girls
While going to college can be fun and exciting, it can also be stressful, which unfortunately can show up in our skin in ways we won’t like!  Additionally, there are tons of damaging elements that we expose our skin to every day, especially in a crowded college campus.  Elements like dust, sweat and even makeup.  Not to mention the lack of sleep and that not so healthy diet.  All in which can affect our body and skin negatively! 


That is why it is important that all college girls have a great skincare regimen in place.  And we’re here to share our top 5 tips for all college girls!

Exfoliation, Moisture and Remove Your Makeup!

Stress and an unhealthy diet can wreak havoc on your skin causing you to be more prone to breakouts, as well as leaving your face looking dull and uneven. Proper exfoliation removes the old skin and uncovers the new cells below the surface!  The product we recommend for college students is the Michael Todd Beauty Soniclear Petite Deluxe. This set has all the essentials you need, helping you to remove your makeup, exfoliate, help to prevent breakouts, moisturize and more.  See what all comes in this set below.


  • A Soniclear Petite
  • The Soniclear Petite is also waterproof (not merely water resistant) so you can use it  in the bath or shower.
  • A USB Inductive Charger, allowing you to charge it anywhere, and being an on the go college student, this will sure come in handy.    
  • Soniclear Petite Travel Case.  Most college students are sharing a bathroom, so this case works great for quick  access and storage.
  • Damascus Rose Milk Cleanser that is perfect for moisturizing while helping to remove makeup!  
  • The Damascus Rose Milk Cleanser is also ideal for all skin types.

The Soniclear Petite Deluxe by Michael Todd Beauty


With 8 AM classes and little sleep most college students need to get ready fast and the Michael Todd Beauty Sonicblend, makeup brush is here to the rescue. This award winning makeup brush uses sonic technology at up to 400 micromovement per second to apply makeup, now how is that for saving time?

Additionally this makeup brush is a multi purpose brush; perfect for those in a hurry as it can easily sweep on foundation, blush, contour, highlight, setting powder and bronzer without lines or streaks for natural looking airbrushed-like results every time. PLUS, the sonicblend comes with built in protection against microbial contamination, so the brushes stay cleaner, fresher longer. Hence, less time you have to spend worrying about cleaning!

Save Time With Makeup Application Using The Michael Todd Beauty Sonicblend Makeup Brush


College life is full of fun and an overload of activities, making you sleep deprived!  And yes, lack of sleep can affect your health, mood and of course your skin! Our bodies heal itself during a good night sleep, not only mentally but physically, so trying to get 6-8 hours of sleep is essential.

Sleeping positions:  Believe it or not, the way you sleep can have an effect on your skin.  For example sleeping on your side can cause cheek wrinkles. Or sleeping face down can create wrinkles on your forehead and cheeks.

How sleeping can effect your skin by Michael Todd Beauty


Keeping your body hydrated is the key to having plump, healthy skin.  When you add drinking plenty of water to your diet, it can help give your skin a more glowing, brighter complexion and not to mention minimizing the signs of aging.  So make it a habit of having a glass of water or bottled water near you at all times.

IMPORTANT:  Once you realize you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated, and no one wants dehydrated skin, so plan ahead!

Drink plenty of water to properly hydrate your skin by micheal todd beauty

Eating Healthy

The statement you are what you eat is so true!  Eating foods on the healthier side will make our body feel and look younger.  First, you want to avoid highly processed and preserved foods.  Secondly, reduce the intake of alcohol & salt as these both can cause water retention, which can create eye puffiness!

So there you have, an approach to skincare that combines quality skincare products, proper diet and a daily routine dedicated to improving and preserving one’s skin health!




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